Jan 25, 2010

les cartes del tarot

we showed them before. andrea ayala's tarot cards. but now they are with us, and they are a million times more beautiful in real! we'll present them in the store starting from saturday. it'll be a small event, but we'll tell you more about that later.


  1. Komen er postkaarten van? Plieeeees (enzovoort)?

  2. ze zien er heel erg mooi uit, en heel erg groot ook! Gaan jullie de toekomst lezen?

  3. So gorgeous! What a great idea too - I'd love to create my own tarot cards. Thanks guys :) K

  4. wow, huuuuge cards:) very nice to have a peek in to the future with these ones. or is it really the future one looks from the tarot cards..? more like the inner feelings or.. eeh, i´m not so sure about this..
    nice cards anyway!

  5. I love these..makes me want to learn to read them.

  6. oh my flippin gosh girls ....I love these cards and I need them ,soon soon , ok .
    lots of fun things happening with you , good luck with it all x
