Oct 23, 2010

these kind of bags

always liked them. only found 2 in about 6 years. they are not easy to find over here. now 2 friends visited india recently and they both brought 1! thank you k + a!


  1. nice. what are they made of?

  2. I like them too. And have had a couple of them over the years :)

  3. Oh you lucky!
    these would be perfect for my clochard style ; )

  4. maybe you can sew one? or are they of a special kind of fabric?

  5. They're a great size. Is it cotton or synthetic? Kx

  6. Ooh, ik vind die tassen ook echt prachtig. Maar inderdaad, zeer moeilijk te vinden.

    De jouwe zijn erg mooi !

  7. I used to see them all the time when I was a kid, but not anymore. If I ever see one agai, I'll think of you :)

  8. i like those kinds of bags too! but i've never bought one.

  9. oh i do have a couple of those.
    finally some more people who also like these bags :)
    send over your address and i'll send you a different colour version. popsodagirl@gmail.com

  10. :) ha jeetje die tassen herinneren me weer aan mijn jeugd. …dan wel met metalen hengsels

  11. Hi! I found them a few years ago on a market in Kalmthout!
    Not far from Antwerp!!
    Still have it, I love the bag.

  12. this are very common in mexico, and they´re like 1 dollar each one :) you can also find them in a wide variety of colours which make them really pretty :) i can buy you some! n___n
