Sep 16, 2008

a collection

pinning old schoolwork samplers from children on the wall


  1. Oh! I dont know what to say more. I love this blog. :)

  2. awh! like a concentrated perfect spot on the wall full of...LOVE!!

  3. oh i love those, last week my daughters teacher asked if we would like to teach the children something we are talented with and I told her that I might do embroideries with them because i think it is a pity that they don't learn any crafting at schoosl anymore, at least here in Germany and your post encouraged me even more, I can't wait to see the results. thanks

  4. very nice collection.

  5. enurm schoon is dit en vooral - excusez le mot- : 'goed bezig'!

  6. how did you come to this collection?
    they look so old but maybe it is because they are not professional and somehow broken...wonderful wall, yes

  7. hi ola, they are old. found ome in a store in brussels, some on ebay... thanks for your comment, we love them too!

  8. a very sweet collection. I used to make little "samplers" all the time when i was little. i'd love to have time again.
