Oct 30, 2008

things we both have (12)

up: veroniks
down: mieke's


  1. They're adorable - I would love a pair.

  2. very cute! need them right now in the cold ..

  3. so cute! I'd be too scared to wear them as they look so delicate! I tagged you both today, looking forward to your random facts :)

  4. they looks like so confortable!!!

  5. oooh sweet sweet!

    i'm still going to write my 11 details.. i've just been quiet here in the internet :)

  6. oh i love love love them!

  7. does the series have an end? almost unbelievable how much you possess together. I know the situation more that you like the same things like your friend beside you. and that after he or she decided for it you just do as if you would have never even thought about possessing it. or you buy three times same things and you decide to next time take something different. something like that...I am quite sure...

  8. oh my!
    they're so adorable,
    did you make them or buy them?

  9. Hello,

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