Nov 10, 2008

7 random facts

we were tagged by famapa, danica and when skies are grey to tell you 7 random facts about us.
so here they are:
1. we like to wear braids in our hair
2. darkblue is our favorite colour
3. veronik likes drawing and cutting papers
4. mieke collects all the nice things in the world
5. veroniks feet are always frozen
6. mieke has the nicest bike of antwerp
7. mieke makes good soup and veronik the best salads

on the photos you can see our braids, veroniks papercuts and miekes favorite finds.


  1. I'm falling in love with your braids!

  2. at first i thought that the post was under the headline "things we both have" - a hair pigtail! :)
    nice ones.
    nice facts.

  3. Lovley you two!

    Not U2.

    You two. As in Mieke and Veronik. :)

    I love the papercuts! Those where new and colourful, I love colours! Too.

  4. I like the way you are being personal without showing your faces, in your entire blog (assumingly).
    visit mine, i'd love you to.

  5. love reading your posts and photos! always so inspiring and fun!and the braids..emma is funny:)

  6. This is delightful! Your braids are gorgeous. Thanks for playing :)

  7. you two are the sweetest.
    so nice to read your 7 random things.

  8. Do we get to see the bike?

  9. yes, I second louise: please show us the bike :)
    beautiful braid shot...

  10. Love the first photo, so tender and sweet... :)

  11. love your braids - I have to try, too
