Jul 26, 2009

last week

been crocheting a lot in the shop. potholders and little coasters.
its really warm and sunny in antwerp. but probably even warmer in NYC.


  1. These are so pretty coasters and potholders! Flowers are on the table! I wish I know how to make them....

    It's hot and humid here in NY today.

    Enjoy the Summer! oxox

  2. these colours are nice together!

  3. LOL just like me, you are crocheting lately...been working on a scarf for my son (not so long so quickly done ;-)
    Love the colour combo of black and salmon !

  4. dat vind ik nu fantastisch zie, zitten haken in de winkel. Zo zie ik me ooit in mijn theehuis (maar ben daar nu nog iets te naaimachine-minded voor, en dat is zo practisch niet denk 'k...)

  5. i love the colour and composition of the pot holders in your image.

  6. new york is really hot! we keep getting thunderstorms too...veronik i hope you are having a good trip!
