Jul 11, 2009

pyjama infinity

it's a flipbook, so it's impossible to photograph. but had to show you this. it's made by elina minn, and it shows a bear with a pyjama with little bears on it. it's sold out on the napa site, but there are still a few copies on this site. they also show the beautiful little book in a video.
it's so simple but oh so perfect!


  1. This sure IS perfect! And so EXTRA fun to see it, because I've got the one "Miracle baby" - the same type of book (same tiny size!)- by Kati Rapia. And King Nosmo ... also from Napa books! Not so tiny though. Well, these small flip-books are great pieces! Makes one happy. So simple!

  2. Aren't they just magical?! So much fun and such a simple concept.. the best of all worlds :) Thanks for sharing. K

  3. i love the third picture! i'm glad you were able to hunt it down. and thanks for the nice mention!

  4. great! wish i could visit napa in helsinki..theyve go some amazing collection of books

  5. haha.. This flip book is so cute! I love it!!

    Have a great weekend!!! oxoxox

  6. I love the way you photographed the flip-book ....fab - will come over to the shop again pretty soon, no kids (= more time to look around quietly)
    take care and have a happy Sunday !
