Jul 7, 2009


elisabeths post today reminded me of one of the best ebay finds i ever won. it's a bundle of exercises one girl/boy made in school: collars, pleats, smock, buttonholes,... he or she wasn't a very good student, you can see. but love the way it looks.


  1. oh, die was ik al helemaal vergeten!!!!!!!

  2. looks promising, reminds me of my own fashion school sewing experiences long time ago...makes me wanna check if i still have them, in which section on ebay did you found them?
    somehow a strange idea to sell a book like that...

  3. hi, i don't remember which section, i think in that time i was always checking 'schoolwork' or 'mercerie', i found it in france. yes, very strange to sell something like that! never had sewing classes myself, but would be nice to see your exercises!

  4. thanks mw i will find out now if there is a section like that in germany too, i have nearly no experience with ebay!
    my old tests would'nt be as beautiful as your find, i remember very ugly fabrics (late 80ies...) but for me interesting to rediscover what we made then...

  5. Oh, these kind of finds are the best ones! How good that it landed in your hands, to some one who appreciate it.

  6. I remember completing one of these in Year 8 (poorly). Time has made this one beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow! This is one of the most gorgeous things I've ever seen! I never took sewing classes either + now I wish I had ;) Great find + great post! :) K

  8. It is lovely.... The coloures are very nice. Maybe are they faded?

  9. I love the withe one wtih buttons....!! WOW!

  10. schoolwork, i n the middle of summer. could it be better ?? :)

  11. Oh, this is a great book! It reminds me of my school project. Schoolwork is the best!
