Jul 1, 2009

things we both have (21)

it's the same bag. it has mickey on one side and donald on the other. most recent purchase. we are so crazy about it!!!


  1. oh, that is so great! i love them! you two have the best eye!

    have you checked out my plates? i'd love to know what you think!

  2. these are fantastic... where are they from???!!!???

  3. Hi - I just gave you an award nominee on my blog:
    Have a great summer!
    Kari Anne

    PS: Love those bags!!!!

  4. They didn't give any reduction on the chain !! I asked cause I bought (typical) a new collection item in size 16 years last week !
    I felt bad for you ; the chain's tag was 98€ !! They are crazy !!
    But the bags are awsome too !!

  5. Hello

    harbengerduo.blogspot.com pass the "One Lovely Blog" award to me.
    And I decided to continue the awards ceremony.
    My "One Lovely Blog" award goes to you and 14 another blogs :)
