Aug 6, 2009


yesterday we went to amsterdam. these are the things we brought: household brushes, a purse and 2 pencil sharpeners (the swans)


  1. I love the swans! I thought they would make a great pair of ear-rings!

  2. kind of lovley. are you going to sell these or ..own? :)

  3. I love the swan sharpeners... I'm traveling to Antwerp in a couple of weeks time, I can't wait to visit your store!!

  4. They're so great. I'm really intrigued by the household brushes... I've never seen things like this before. They would be very handy :) K

  5. very great kitchen brushes..we sell these and use them at home too.

  6. yes! i've got the swan too bought it in Paris they are so cooL!have u ever seen the nose penciL sharpener?so funny just google it u'LL find it.

  7. als ik klein was kreeg ik elke week zo een portemonneetje van mijn oma. dan prutste ik daar een week lang alle pareltjes van (zo verslavend) tot ik een nieuw kreeg. (en hoeveel spijt ik daar nu wel niet van heb dat ik die allemaal kapot heb gemaakt)

  8. I love your blog and your shop!!! Next autumn I am going to Amberes (Antwerp in Spanish)and i will visit you, I have got a little niece and i am going to buy a lot of stuff in your shop

  9. sweet!
    you guys are constanly inspiring me!thank you!
