Sep 5, 2009

looking around

caught my eye this afternoon: the chocolate owl i was planning to keep forever isn't doing well. and that's a nice pinocchio shadow.

and this is a nice blog: little people. saw the book last week in solarshop. it's beautiful!


  1. how about putting the choco owl in the fridge ?
    it looks so lovely.

    i'm having carrot cake for late night snack with some japanese green tea.

    have a nice sunday !

  2. i'm just saying: EAT IT! ;) looking good, taste good..
    but sad that... it's like dying.

    that shadow! haha, oh, how wonderful! he's so indiscreet...

  3. arm uiltje...tja, dat zal wel zijn lot zijn zeker :-(

  4. Did the owl used to be brown chocolate? Just keep him and see if he will keep changing colors.He looks good like this I think!

  5. och, maar hij ziet er alvast beter uit dan mijn chocolade-eendje dat ik voor altijd wilde bewaren (tot het op een zeer zonnige dag voor de helft gesmolten is) (een zéér droevig verhaal)

  6. Oh dear - poor mr owl! Are you going to put him to some yummy purpose? I think he's ready to go ;)
    That shadow is so gorgeous! K

  7. i can hear the chocolate owl whispering: eat me, eat me..

    thank you for the links, those little people make me smile:)

  8. hi everyone: sure not going to eat it, it's maybe 3 or 4 years old :) so it won't be tasty anymore!!

    lisa: haha! the owl was always white!! but who knows it will become purple one day? i will keep it a bit longer to see what happens!

  9. ik heb dat boekje ook liggen thuis! heeeeel mooi!

  10. he he hee;) ok, maybe better you Don`t eat it..
