Feb 9, 2010

workshop jordi ferreiro

since we wrote about jordi a little while ago, we got in contact with jordi. we have good news now for the kids in antwerp! he is coming here to the store to do a workshop! next monday 15/2 from 14 till 15:30 the shop will be a book laboratory. if you want to join write us an email or pass by in the shop. it's for free, we only ask to bring some old books! check jordi's website over here, and also his flickr page! the shop is very small so the places are limited!

besides this, jordi will also work with our dear friend katrien oosterlinck, for a workshop in hasselt about social sculptures. check this page for more info!


  1. That is so cool! You lucky things. I'm sure it'll be a raging success :) K

  2. This is wonderful...and great news too!

  3. This is wonderful...and great news too!

  4. mag je jezelf stiekem verkleden als kindje?

  5. i would love to come with my daughter...

  6. hey this is great news! i'm so glad you got in contact! wish i could be there.. plus maybe twenty years younger so i could join the workshop. :)

  7. he gets waarom moet ik dan werken :(
    leek me geweldig voor de oudste spruit

    ...hoop op succes en dus herhaling
