May 28, 2011

the dream exhibition

'the donkey prefers garbage to gold'. what a title, what an exhibition!! oh, want to go there! jockum nördstrom and marcel dzama, 2 favourites, together in 1 show. and also works they made together, wow wow wow! (found through elisabeth)


  1. echt waar! de twee beste in één, ik wil direct richting zweden.

  2. ♥! tickets bij Ryanair voor 97 euro..voor 2!! Ken je een leuk hotel daar? x

  3. Af Chapman is a nice hostel on a ship, located in the centre of Stockholm.

    I am going to see the show on tuesday!

  4. oh yes. wanna go see this as well..! he's brilliant! i have the honour to participate in the same exhibition (another one) as jockum this summer actually. north of sweden. hope i can make it, and go up north...!

  5. maybe we should borrow a bus and make a trip from belgium...

  6. hi caterine! good idea! but we first have to come and see YOUR exhibition, it's not that far!

  7. oh yes, it's true. i would be happy to ear what you think of it.

  8. wow - these are great such great pictures and characters! - thanks for the post - I saw it on Elisabeth's blog but didn't get round to clicking through so really glad to be reminded here....
