Oct 9, 2012


 it has been quiet on this blog, the main reason was twin peaks.  for 1 week i was watching a couple of episodes every night.  yesterday i finished it, it went too fast...
today friends picked up a puppy.  she is the sweetest thing i ever saw.  mia is her name, and i'm super proud to be her godmother.


  1. Such a beautiful puppy!

    Loved Twin Peaks - must watch it again :)

  2. haha, zalig :) Ik kon ook niet stoppen en het einde was er véél te snel. Die muziek is ook zo hypnotiserend :)

  3. what a nice little puppy! you must want to cuddle it all the time!!a

  4. super schattig

  5. I am always reading this beautiful blog and I also just finished Twin Peaks. I was watching like 6 or 7 episodes a day! That's pretty weird!

    Having a Twin Peaks Day party with my friends this weekend where we drink endless coffee, have endless doughnuts and pie and wear themed clothes/watch select eps. you should try it ! :)

  6. mia is very cute, my friend also got a puppy a few weeks ago. his name is hopper. :)
