Mar 17, 2012


1. a zine by yule bringer, in brown and white.
2. a fox seen on a very nice exhibition a while ago.
3. illustration by jiri trnka
4. one avocado pit is doing good! (this little guy is sitting behind the glass, without hair, but i still kept him)
5. charlie's lion

did a brown post before i noticed.


when skies are grey said...

I love both the new and old brown posts. Hope you are both doing well and your avocado sprouts!

Merlijne said...

Hoe lang duurde het voordat de avocado begon te wortelen? Ik vraag me af hoe lang ik nog geduldig moet blijven :-)

mieke willems said...

Merlijne, dit heeft 6 maanden geduurd! heb er een andere die ook al 6 maanden staat, maar die doet nog niks :) geduld hebben dus...

Kylie said...

Very cute :) Funny how Charlie's lion is in both posts! :)) Kx

flora bloom said...

lovely inspiration :)

Sophie said...

lovely color, lovely post!

gini said...

i love it all!

kristina said...

Oh, the lion!

kristina said...

Oh, the lion!

Merlijne said...

Aha! Dank, dan laat ik 'm nog even staan... ;-)

dani said...

great fox photo!

price per head said...

Please one more post about that.I wonder how you got so good. This is really a fascinating blog, lots of stuff that I can get into. One thing I just want to say is that your Blog is so perfect