Jan 30, 2015


V & S made a place where you can see their work, have a look!  + more on this blog under the label V&S.

Jan 29, 2015

de aaibaarheidsfactor

i got this little book from a friend.  translated the title should be something like 'the strokability factor'.  It teaches you that of all animals, cats are the most strokable, ofcourse i knew that already :)  still have to read the book, but love it already as an object, the cover is soft and strokable as well !

Jan 26, 2015


my mother found this porcelain set in the thriftstore! and it has 'minnie' on it :)
tiny monkey from gina, and happiness in the supermarket, the hats are back!

Jan 24, 2015


today i visited the exhibition of Ruth van Haren Noman again. it was the last day, but there are lots of beautiful works on her website!

Jan 22, 2015

more in pink

old and more recent photos.  going through pictures from minnie when she was little.  oh, she became so big!!

Jan 20, 2015

3 from the archive

i've been digging through some old photos again.  a nice publication coming up about plants.  found these and never posted them, more soon!

Jan 18, 2015

around the house

these photos are not from today.  it was very grey.. dill and mimosa, from the market.
and a koi patch, matching my wallpaper for a curtain in the hallway.

Jan 17, 2015

some sunshine

at last!
happy weekend!

Jan 16, 2015

Jan 15, 2015


she loves these garlands. and carrot juice :) that one katrien brought from japan.

Jan 13, 2015

pink poodle

a picture from our ABC book. Renilde made the ear muffs, i made the photo
i am searching patches to sew on a curtain, and i found this pink poodle :)
the page in our book looks like this.

Jan 12, 2015


i like this little book by ye rin mok.  she's definitly one of my favourite photographers!

Jan 11, 2015

sunday presents

smoking hedgehogs (by ksenia) and a walking vini pux (fom k + a)

Jan 8, 2015

another kind of alphabet

guy rombouts created the azart some years ago.  i have a strip hanging on the door, showing the colors and shapes for each letter.  i made 'mieke' en 'minnie', you can see how your name looks here.

Jan 6, 2015

from yesterday's walk

i went for a walk with renilde yesterday.  it was cold and quite gray but it felt good to be outside.

Jan 4, 2015


i am trying to make a ceramic minnie mouse, like one of these.  i am on a waiting list now to get updates on their works for sale, and i'm quite sure i won't be able to afford something, so i thought to try one myself...

Jan 3, 2015

giorgos rigas

love these paintings! here you can see some more.