Mar 31, 2015

funny faces

another stormy day. but we had fun inside, at katrien's place.  this little tiger made pancakes!  later on we went upstairs for some crafting. and look! katrien also has a paradise in her hallway :)

Mar 30, 2015

so much pink i see

after a very stormy sunday the sun was very welcome today.  i got a pillow from renilde!!  and i have my inspiration folder ready for tonight's ceramic class: minnie's!!

Mar 27, 2015

happy weekend!

Mar 26, 2015

while spring cleaning i painted some tiny white spots on the blue walls again.  now it looks like this. mmm.   these days are rather gray, but good things are happening!

Mar 23, 2015


ever since i saw this book on fine little day i was hoping i would find it one day! and now i have it, and another one from the same author/illustrator kerstin bertoft, (soon here too) i really think it's one of the most beautiful children's books i've ever seen!

Mar 21, 2015

sophie a.'s

patch-sweater and bag.

Mar 20, 2015

new from ksenia

ksenia posted some new photos on her website.  i love them so much!

Mar 19, 2015


my new hui-hui shirt! the summer collection is so nice!
i also got these pins as a present! thank johanna!

Mar 17, 2015

spring cleaning

these days are so nice. the sun gives so much more energy to do things in- and outside! and easter is coming soon! yay!

Mar 16, 2015


i got this new candle holder, thanks to sophie.  i love it so much! it's a king!  i have to be careful with minnie though, she's so intrigued with candles!

Mar 12, 2015

a curtain

to cover up a very messy hidden closet. next thing on the list are shelves to organize that too :)

i found the iron-on patches on etsy, they have so many pretty ones! i might add some more..

Mar 11, 2015


i've been finally finishing some things here at home. curtains, carpets, some "new" pillowcases... i'm here for almost a year now and there is still a to-do list, but it's slowly coming to an end!  and than start all over again :)

Mar 9, 2015

like a fairytale

from yesterday's visit. their house looks like a fairytale, or a painting.  it's so beautiful! more soon!